Help Us Continue to Create & Collaborate
Between 2023 and 2024, Zach Morris, Tom Pearson, Jennine Willett, and Third Rail Projects partnered on works in multiple cities, including: a second collaboration in Chicago with Albany Park Theater Project, Port of Entry, which focused on themes of immigration and refuge; a pop-up immersive activation at South By Southwest in Austin with Freedom Forum, Yours to Lose, which tackled the complexity of First Amendment freedoms; an immersive multi-site-specific project in Seattle in collaboration with Berette S Macaulay and i•ma•gine | e•volve, UN-[TITLED], that focused on the ways in which communities are displaced by gentrification and
their resistance to it; and, finally, back in NYC (thanks to your donor support) for the world premiere of True Love Forever, which contemplates diverse experiences of love and loss. Internationally, projects through the Global Performance Studio included Calder Moves with Flex Ensemble in Hanover, Germany plus participation in a rare and unique international artist exchange in the U.S. (more to come on that at a later date). Third Rail Projects also conducted workshops, in-house, and with UT Austin, Flex Ensemble at the Sprengel Museum, Atlas Obscura, and others.
2025 promises even more! Will you help us continue to bring new visions to life, share new work, collaborate, and sustain our operations?
*Third Rail Projects LLC is a sponsored project of Fractured Atlas, a non-profit arts service organization. Contributions for the charitable purposes of Third Rail Projects must be made payable to “Fractured Atlas” only and are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law.
Above images by Daria Karpova and Tom Pearson
Special Thanks
We’d like to thank to our donors who have supported this year’s work, including our Producers Circle members. Individual donations help make the development of Third Rail Projects’ new works possible, and all donations go directly to paying artists.
as of February 4, 2024
Christy Burke
Bill Caleo
Kyle Fisher
Judy and Steven Gluckstern
Stephanie and Ron Kramer
Chris Michaud and Andrew Cohen
Virginia and Timothy Millhiser
Zach Stern
Peter Trevisani
Elisha Wiesel
($5,000 - $9,999)
McGue Millhiser Family Trust
Dr. Peter C. Friedman
Cameo Wood
Julian Yap
Pia and Jimmy Zankel
($1,000 - $4,999)
Christina Basch
Jonathan & Elizabeth Baskin
Bruce and Marilyn Behringer
Ron Black
Meriko Borogrove
Robert Bowersox
John N. and Irene R. Bush
Lisa and Joe Carena
James Cavanaugh
Mark Chin
Mark Dobrow
Glenn Elliot
Aron Estaver
Michael First
Lawton Fitt and James McLaren
Matthew Gratz
Eric Gray
Harvey Guion
Denise Hill
Theresa Holstein
Brett Kuehner
Adam Landry
Patty Laxton
Amy L. Louie
Tony Mansour
Ruth and Dan Millman and Millman Design Group
Evelyn Morris and Bud and Lindy Stahlman
Maggie and Ken Morris
Amy Nieporent
Mary Ellen Obias
Dan Oliverio
Maurine Packard
Gail and Phillip Pincus
Jennifer Pontius
Brette Popper and Paul Spraos
Charles Read
Darcy and Russell Reaver
Michael D. Rhea
Carolyn and Dale Rhodes
(in Memory of Bunny Rhodes and Ruby Klippstein)
Susan and Tom Rice
Fiona Rudin
Barry Russell
Tim and Anna Schumacher
Anne Rosen and Andre Spears
Michael J. Segal
Ely Spears
Dr. Phillip Sohn
Sue and Tom Thaney
Kimberly and Mark Tsocanos
Micki Wesson
Charles and Barbara Willett
Kerrin Willett
Timothy Yuan
Edward Zareh
($500 - $999)
Thomas Palmer & Dominique Alfandre
Alice Ausim
Stephen Berenson
Neuberger Berman
Genevieve Cabanilla
Meredith Crandell
Matthew Cushman
Jae Day
Samantha Davison
Tiffany Fenster
Nancy Smith and Robert W. Fichter
Lorenz and Janet Fish
Andrew Gillespie
Kathi and Ken Halbert / Kathi's Dance and Gym
Rick Hamilton
Stephen Hammond
Beth Horn
Kaushik Iyer
Alicia Johnson
Jennifer and Jane Joukema
Amanda Kohut
Leonard Lee
Laura Leslie
Barbara Livenstein
Uday Jhunjhunwala
Mihir Kedia
Giorgio Manes
Valerie McLaughlin and Andy Lee
Laurie Nielsen and Tom Franks
Jason Pike
Janice and John Purcell
Michael Reidy
Peter Reich
Kristy Rowe
Lynn and John Salmon
Nancy Sands
Russell Schrader
Diego Segallini and Daria Masullo
Jenna Sherman
Martha Sherman
Lindsi Shine
Monique Stichaw
Bill Stasiulatis
James Thesing
Phillip Tiongson
Taunya van der Steen-Mizel
Dan and Amilee Watkins
Tricia Martin Young
Kathryn Yu
Timothy Yuan
($250 - $499)
Dee Anne Anderson
Mark Baltazar
Beth Biegler
Patricia Billinger
Claire Boren
Toni Bowersox
Paul Bozymowski
Jason Brantman
John Callery
Traci and Joe Carena
Alexis Carena and Chris Boron
Nathan Clark
Rachael Combe
Kelly DeAngelis
Christopher DeNicolo
Alice Doo
Caitlin and Joshua Dutton-Reaver
Ellen Elkins
Clifton Fels
Chris Frost
Amy Glosser
Daniel Gomez
GoodWorks Foundation
David Held
Jane High
Olive Hui
Jeffrey Jenkins
Richard Krueger
Timothy Kudo
Prashant Kumar
Simon Kwok
Lisa LaMattina
Jeanne Lamprecht
Lauren Lanning
Kristin Larkin and Peter Glicklich
Estee Lauder
Jason Lee
Philip Lee
Meir Lewis
Cindy Limauro and Chris Popowich
Hanford Lin
Renee Lucier
Cindy Maisannes
Karyn Margolis
Ray Marquette
Aaron Mason
Jeffrey Matchen
Vanessa Raffio
Julia Ritter
Danielle Roberts
Michael Rosenberg
Isaac Roth
Jason Rothhaupt
Jonathan Rozoff
Maksym Rykin
Shirley Savarino
Alex Schwendner
Alison Scott
Ken Seed
Brad Seiler
Rob & Wendy Semin
Susan Seo
James Simon
Jill Slater
Paul Smithyman
Lisa and Mike Springle
Marge and Ronald Statile
Adam Steele
Jeanne Faget Stephens
Joshua Sternfeld
Robert Stevens
Indigo Stray Conger
James Stuart
Fred Studier
Pedro Torres-Mackie
Meredith Willis
Arlena Yagecic
Cynthia Yang
Xinying Yao
Tommy Young
Jiefei Yuan
Ying Zheng
($100 - $249)
Erik Allen
Tiffany Aprile
Maureen Auer
Arthur Aviles
Avon Products Foundation, Inc.
Kristen Backor
Nolini and Ashley Barretto
Jonathan Salem Baskin
Michael Bell
Joan and Mitch Berman
Dr. Todd Bertman, Advanced Dental Arts
Todd Bevan
Alisha Bhagat
Gavin Black
Adam Borochoff
George Butler
Kevin Cafferty
Paul and Juan Carlos Cary-Fernandez
Betty Chen
Beth Crane
Sonia and Charles Cronmiller
Brittany Crowell
Daniel Doubrovkine
Ryan Evans
Peter Farr
Rachel Feinberg
David Feiner
Daphne Fong
Sharon Frost
Abraham Rami Gal
Julia Galanski
Zachary Garrett
Kenneth George
Peter Gilbert
Nicole Goldberg
Rebecca Goldring
Melissa Gonzalez
Svetlana Gous
Jordan and Charles Hagaman
Christian Hall
Daniel Hartman
Gregory Hoffman
Christine Jowers
Jeff Kleeman
Karen Kovacs
Kristen Lee
Dr. Steven McMahon, McMahon Chiropractic LLC
Milan Misko
David Olson
John Parkyn
Paul Philbrik
KaeLyn Rich
Sally Reidy
Edward Rowe
Frank Samperi
Michael Saunders
Adam Scherer
Jessica Schoolman
Elaine and Harold Shames
Mayuna Shimizu
Ian Shrank
Sally Sommer
Brian Stine
Alison Suttles
Tree Star Inc
Vianney Tran
Meital Waibsnaider
Anastasia Warzinski
Bradley Winkler
Titus Winters
Matthew Yee
Rebecca Zuber
Salman Al-Rashid
Alison Applebaum
Maggi Asbjoernsen
Nick Auer
Samuel Barthelme
Yuriy Bash
Celena Beck
Cameron Bell
Charles Bellavia
Christopher Bernhardt
Jeffrey Bigner
Byron Blount
Lauren Bonanno
Randi Booth
Daniel Boyle
Kevi Brannelly
Tanya Bravo
George Brazier
Jason Breland
Spencer Brody
James Brolly
Christiane Brown
Emma Burnell
Kharis Burns
Richard Butner
Beth Byer
Carin Cahn
Nigel Cain
Lacy Campbell
Claudia Carucci
Kimberly Coleman
Monika Connolly
Daniel Conroy
Calvin Cooper
Elizabeth Corcoran
Megan Cossey
Karen Cozzens
James Cropcho
Christian Crowley
Alex Curio
Karl Custer
Avin Das
Alberto Denis
Alexis DePersia
Jennifer Diamond
Victor Dominguez
Kerry Dorf
Jason Dubnoff
Heidi Duckler
Eleanor Dunn
Kristin Dwyer
Nicholas Ellingsworth
Steven Eubank
Michael Faeder
Shiyu Fang
Andrea Fernandes
Susan Forman
Davi Figueiredo
Esther Fingerhut
Keith and Gayle Fitzgerald
Jack Flanagan
Twila Foster
Heather Frew
Diana Fujii
Andressa Furletti Bomfim
Jingyi Gao
Robert Geren
Lauren Giugliano
Patricia Glover
Jamie Graham
Anthony Grisanti
Austin Grossman
Michelle Growden
Ashley Hasz
Shunsaku Hayashi
Jin Hirsch
Jamie Hollins
Stephanie Holmes
Brian Holmquest
James Horner
A.K. Howard
Haishan Huang
Rachel Lynn Jackson
Catherine Jackson
Jasmine Johnson
Timothy Johnston
Sierra Jorgensen
Margaret Kaiser
Amy Kaissar
Russell and Elisa Kaplan
Natalie Karabel
Rachel Karpf
Elizabeth Keaton
Gwendolyn Kelly
Megan Kelley
Christopher Kellner
Brendan Kelsay
Crystal Kent
Brendan Keresey
Brooke Kiener
Jessica King
Becca Kirker
Jen Klein
Maureen Kline
Alex Kocsik
Alex Konrad
Lukas Kroc
Jessica Krol
Hsin-Ting Kuo
Chia Lynn Kwa
Victoria LaManna
Catherine Lambert
Jarrett Lantz
Darya Larizadeh
Michelle Laurenzano
Currie Leggoe
Johanna Leister and Jim Broaddus
Andrea Lepcio
Jeffrey Liggett
Tara Lockhart
Matthew Lord
Elizabeth Love
Rachel Lovett
Daniel Lucey
Ken Maldonado
Hazel Maldonado
Clayton Mannix
Minelli Manoukian
Anna Marcus
Elizabeth Margid
Jennifer and Robert Margolis
James Marion
Nikki Martinez
Adam Masser
Michelle Martir
Alex May
Patrick McEvoy
Ivan McMurtry
Debora and David Meltz
Norman Metcalfe
Emery Mikel
Daniel Minuchin
John Monahan
Brad Mortensen
Travis Mushett & Laura Chzaszcz
Farah Murphy
Blake Myers
Mark Nash
Orli Nativ
Noah Nelson
Vickie Nidweski
Kate O'Byrne
Marie Obegi
Jamie Odazier
Kaoru Oka
Shannon Paige
Thea Palad
Krista Palmer
Sara Pascal
Kavita Patel
Catherine Peila
Crystal Peone
Cristina Pesqueira
Duncan Pflaster
Lindsay Pierce
Rose Pile
Jacqueline Popovic
Diana Poveda
Ben Pundole
Veronica Rakauskas
Monica Rebreanu
Richard Recchia
Sara Reitzel
Carlos Reyes
Charles Rini
Victoria Rinker
Alisa Robinson
Maria Cristina Rojas
Amy Rosenbaum
Geneieve Roth
Sara Rubin
Chen Rubin
Alex Rubin
Joshua Rubin
Drew Sachs
Marcelo Sampio
Amanda Sampson
Lydia Sanders
Scott Satterlund
Lorna Secondi
Lara Segura
Joshua Shapiro
Kim T. Sharp
Mackenzie Sherburne
Jacqueline Siemann
Dominik Sigg
Reuben Sinha
Jessy Lauren Smith
Taylor Smith
R Smith
Ingrid Sonnichsen
Voytek Sporek
John Stark
Emma Story
Elena TaJo
Aaron Tarnow
Michael Tartre
Ryan Thomas
Sheridan Thomas
Stephen Thorpe
Chriselle Tidrick
Liz Tomazic
Cora Turlish
Cristen and Eric Underwood
Laurie Uprichard
Rebecca Urciuolo
Willam von Meister
Frank Walker
Patrick K. Walsh
Frank Warren
Debra Walters
Kim Weild
Jamie Wenger
Stephanie Weyant
Jeremy Wlechel
Jennifer Willett
Catherine Willis
Reid Wittman
Natalie Wood
Jane Wuestewald
Cody Wymore
Mariko Yajima
Kristopher Zgorski
Gessa Ziggert
Jonathan Zucker
As of December 2021
Third Rail Projects has benefitted from the support of the Shuttered Venues Operators Grant program in 2021, which has awarded arts organizations critical funding to help weather COVID-19 closures and cancellations. Third Rail Projects is grateful to the SVOG and Senator Chuck Schumer for this effort to bolster the arts during this time.
In their 20+ years of art making, Zach Morris, Tom Pearson, Jennine Willett, and Third Rail Projects have individually and collectively received support from the following Organizations, Foundations, Public Agencies, and Corporations:
92nd Street Y Harkness Dance Center
Abrons Arts Center
Ace Hotel New York
Actor’s Theatre of Louisville
Aedas Architects
Albany Park Theater Project
American Express Foundation
American Music Center
Artbat Fest
Art Prospekt Festival
ArtsWego | SUNY Oswego
Arts Brookfield
Arts@Renaissance & St. Nick's Alliance
Battery Park City Authority
Black Rock Arts Foundation and the Burning Man Festival
Boomerang Toys
Brooklyn Children's Museum
The Brooklyn Home Company
The Bogliasco Foundation
Capacity Building Foundation, Bishkek
Carnegie Mellon University
CEC Artslink
Columbia Teachers College
Columbia University
Cooperative Arts & Humanities Magnet High School
Dance Film Lab
Dance Films Association
Dance New Amsterdam
Dance Theater Workshop
Danspace Project
Dean Foods
Denver Center for the Performing Arts
Epiphany Theatre Company
Epsilón Tequila
Fable Studio
Federal Aviation Administration
Florida State University
Folger Theater
Fort Mason Center, San Francisco
Fort Ontario Historic Site
Fractured Atlas
Franklin Furnace
Future of Storytelling Festival
General Growth Properties, Inc.
Gibney Dance Studios
Godiva Chocolatier
The Goodman Theater
Gothic Renaissance
The Great Neck House
Greenwood Cemetery, Brooklyn
Halloween Adventure
Hewn Bros.
Hong Kong Youth Arts Foundation
Hudson Opera House
i•ma•gine | e•volve
Infinite Scenic
Irish Arts Center
Island Moving Company
Jerome Foundation
JPMorgan Chase
La Jolla Playhouse
La MaMa, E.T.C.
Lagunitas Brewing Co.
LEVELS at the Great Neck Library
Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts
Lincoln Center Theater/LCT3
Lower Manhattan Cultural Council
Lucky Star Foundation
The Majestic Hills, Los Angeles
The Macallan
Materials for the Arts
Merrill Lynch
Metropolitan Museum of Art
Mertz Gilmore Foundation
Museum of Russian Ethnography
Movement Research
National Museum of the American Indian
National Performance Network (NPN)
National YoungArts Foundation
New Stage Alexandrinsky Theater
New York City Council
New York City Department of Cultural Affairs
New York City Department of Sanitation
New York International Fringe Festival
New York State Council on the Arts
New York State DanceForce
New York University
Oculus Story Studio
Olin College of Engineering
On the Boards
Operation Unite/Kuumba Dance & Drum
PepsiCo, Inc.
The Present Company
Princeton University
[QuA2aD] Art Mill in Jeffersonville, NY provided by Daniel Castellanos & John Wenk
Queens Council on the Arts/ Live at the Gantries
Real Media, Inc.
Rhode Island State Council on the Arts
River to River Festival
Scottish Rite Theater, Austin
The September 11th Fund
Show Consulting School
Shuttered Venues Operators Grant program
Silo | Kirkland Farm
South Street Seaport Association
Starbucks Corporation
St. John the Evangelist Church
The Steel Yard, Providence, RI
SWIRE East Properties, HK
Swarthmore College / The Swarthmore Project
Texas A&M University
Think Motive
Topaz Arts
Tree Star Inc.
The Trust for Governors Island
The Trust for Mutual Understanding
Walt Disney Imagineering Creative Entertainment
Wesleyan University
Winkle and Balktick
Ziferburg Café