A Series of Reveals
“a lavish delight for the senses” –The Village Voice.
About A Series of Reveals
Multimedia Art Installation (2011)
A Series of Reveals was created for an empty downtown storefront at One New York Plaza, starting with a pinhole aperture in a blacked-out window which slowly opened over 10 weeks. The project was followed by two more iterations, Rogue’s Gallery and Installations & Ephemera, both of which further developed the content and space for audiences to venture further and deeper down the rabbit hole.This installation artwork preceded the site-specific Looking Glass and the eventual work that became the critically-acclaimed long-running immersive hit, Then She Fell. As an early experiment in world-building and design, A Series of Reveals, Rogue’s Gallery and Installations & Ephemera set the stage for the iterations that followed. Each week, the art project offered new layers, incrementally drawing passersby deeper and deeper into an increasingly detailed world. Partly inspired by Lewis Carroll’s Through the Looking Glass, A Series of Reveals began as a small and sparsely furnished and then slowly expanded to include plants, portraits, strange Victorian machines, mannequins, and other intriguing oddities.

A Series of Reveals

Rogue’s Gallery
Installations & Ephemera

A Series of Reveals
Creative Team
Created by
Zach Morris
Project Support
A Series of Reveals, Rogue’s Gallery, and Installations & Ephemera were presented by Arts Brookfield and made possible, in part, by Materials for the Arts/New York City Department of Cultural Affairs/Department of Sanitation, The Lucky Star Foundation, and by Third Rail Projects with support from individual and institutional donors.
About Arts Brookfield
Brookfield Properties brings life to its public spaces through an internationally acclaimed visual and performing arts program. Brookfield Properties supports local, regional and international artists and organizations by commissioning original works and presenting art forms in new and unusual spaces.